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1 CLICK CROSS-CHAIN TOKEN TRANSFER SECURED BY Multi-Prover Security in IBC, provided by TOKI foundation as the first-party front end.
This offers a super-easy transfer experience of native assets across blockchains and superior capital efficiency. Please refer to QUICK START GUIDE to learn more about how to use it.
The TOKI bridge app is built on three innovative layers designed to deliver unique features that enhance security, usability, and revenue potential. Let’s explore each of them:
Security First
LCP (Light Client Proxy), which adopts a multi-prover security model in IBC and combines TEE and ZKP, provides another level of security without imposing heavy costs on users.
1 Click UX and High APY
The single-sided unified liquidity pool eliminates the complexities of managing wrapped tokens, enabling effortless, one-click native token swaps across different chains. It also makes capital less fragmented for greater capital efficiency.
Revenue Maximization
Flexible composability design with any Dapps enables 1-click cross-chain payments, deposits, transfers, lending, etc., leading to greater transaction volume and revenue maximization for all stakeholders.